Letitia Parcalabescu
Heidelberg University
Biography: After having studied Physics and Computer Science, Letitia is a Ph.D. candidate at Heidelberg University. Her research focuses on vision and language integration in multimodal machine learning. Her side-project revolves around the "AI Coffee Break with Letitia" YouTube channel, where the animated Ms. Coffee Bean explains and visualizes concepts from the latest Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision and Multimodal research.
Talk Title: Sip, Sip, Learn: How I Use Coffee Breaks to Share (My) AI Research and Insights
Online Via ZOOM | Mar 15, 2023 | 18:00 – 18:40 (UTC+2)
Abstract: Join Letitia Parcalabescu as she shares her data point / personal journey of breaking into AI. She will give a high-level introduction into her most beloved research projects about deep neural networks (transformers) that combine images and text and are able to answer questions about images, for example.
She will further discuss the significance of effective science communication in AI and talk about her project revolving around the “AI Coffee Break with Letitia” YouTube channel where she breaks down the latest machine learning research papers in an easy to understand format.
(Talk title generated by interacting with ChatGPT.)